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ANPR Thanks Park Rangers for Their Performance During the Government Shutdown

26 Jan 2019

The Association of National Park Rangers (ANPR) would like to extend its gratitude to all Park Rangers and their valiant efforts throughout the shutdown while facing personal financial uncertainty. Apart from the highly publicized resource and infrastructure damage, it’s regrettable that many important trainings were forced to be canceled over the last 35 days as well. Some of these will be impossible to reschedule and will have a direct impact on Rangers’ ability to respond to emergency situations in the coming summer season. With the shutdown occurring during the time that many parks hire their summer seasonal positions, we recognize the burden now placed on hiring managers service-wide to fill the National Park Service’s front line Rangers who most directly engage with the public. Finally as Rangers return to their parks, we thank our timekeepers who are now charged with the unenviable task of quickly and accurately entering the information to allow for the rapid processing of backpayments. ANPR expresses its strong desire that Congress and the President work diligently to ensure future shutdowns do not occur. This is for the benefit of the public, National Park Service, and most importantly its Rangers.

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Statement from ANPR on the Continued Government Shutdown

27 Dec 2018

ANPR is concerned with the ongoing government shutdown as it is harmful for visitors and for America's national parks. Visitors who planned holiday vacations aren't able to use NPS campgrounds or restrooms and aren't able to see the national treasures in park museums or visitor centers. In parks where some areas are still open, law enforcement rangers (on duty without pay) are stretched thin protecting animals, scenic landscapes, and historical landmarks. Besides the possibly permanent damage caused to parks, the shutdown also leaves hardworking rangers who would usually be maintaining park facilities, welcoming people in visitor centers, and researching park ecosystems, laid off for the holidays.'

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ANPR Seeking Coordinators for Rendezvous 2019

13 Sep 2018

Your ANPR Board of Directors thanks you for participating in a survey last winter to determine future RR locations. Based on the survey results, the top two locations for RR42 (Fall 2019) are the Pacific Northwest near Seattle and Central California near Fresno. The Board is now seeking applicants interested in several key positions for RR42 planning and coordination:

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ANPR Expresses Concerns Regarding the $70 Entrance Fee Proposal

14 Dec 2017

The Association of National Park Rangers (, a group of nearly 800 national park rangers and others who support their work, wishes to respectfully express its serious concerns over the proposal to increase some entrance fees to $70, and urges that the fee proposal be reworked.

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